Our Service Department assists customers with everything from window glass and shop window replacement to metal structure assembly and similar, minor construction work. They collaborate with the Contractor Department at Fasadglas on advanced repairs and sealing of glass roofs and facade structures.
We have seven fully equipped service vehicles, two metal service vehicles and one crane truck. Each service vehicle has two experienced MTK glass technicians. The metal service vehicles are specialized in metal sections and they also assist with both replacements and adjustments of hinges, spagnolets and forging work. It enables us to solve urgent problems for our customers. Because we have our own crane truck, we can install large storefront windows if there has been a burglary or damage.
We even have an on-call department that collaborates with a security company. So, if there has been a major incident, we can quickly be on site to remedy the damages. The security company that we collaborate with secures the perimeter protection and checks the surrounding environment, which gives our customers peace of mind.
We also offer service agreements to property owners, property companies and construction contractors.